Welcome to Daughter of the Night: an Annotated Tanith Lee Bibliography. This is hypertext version of a bibliography first published (on paper) in an edition of 100 copies in the summer of 1993. It is revised and updated on a regular basis to reflect new publications.
The purpose of this bibliography is to list all English language publications in both England and the United States of all books and stories by Tanith Lee. The listings are divided into several sections. The content and format of each are described below.
Separate Publications
This section contains a listing of all published books by Tanith Lee, arranged alphabetically by title. Within each title, editions are listed chronologically. To make navigation a little easier, this section has been split up into a series of relatively small pages. To help you find the book you're looking for, the Table of Contents shows the titles of the first and last item on each page.
For the first edition of each title, as well as the first hardcover edition in those cases where the work was published originally in paperback, the listings in this section have the following format:
Place of publication, publisher and year of publication are transcribed as they appear on the title page of the book. If they were determined from some other source, typically the copyright page, they will be placed within square brackets. If the price appears within square brackets, this indicates that there was no price printed on the book itself. Note that if a certain item is omitted from the entry, it is because it doesnt apply to that particular edition.
Later editions are described as follows:
The term "mass-market paperback" is used to refer to a book that is perfect bound in stiff paper wrappers measuring approximately 4.25 inches x 7 inches (10.8 cm x 17.8 cm). Mass-market paperbacks are available in a variety of locations such as newsstands and supermarkets, as well as bookstores. A "trade paperback," also known as a quality paperback, is somewhat larger in size than a mass-market paperback, and can usually be purchased only in bookstores.
Later printings of a book from the same publisher are not noted, unless something about the book changed, such as its price, ISBN, or catalog number.
Cover images for the first edition of all books described in this bibliography,
as well as a selection of later editions and printings, may be
viewed by clicking on the which
appears at the end of the listing.
Whenever possible, we have tried to base the information in each listing on our examination of an actual copy of the book. Since we were not always able to do this, we have been forced to rely upon secondary sources for some of the details. We have indicated each of these unseen items with an asterisk at the end of the listing, and would be particularly grateful if anyone could provide either confirmation or additional information for these entries.
Properly speaking, one of the titles we have included in this section does not belong here. Night Visions 1 is actually an anthology, not a separate publication consisting entirely of material by Tanith Lee. However, since the book contains a significant amount of new material by the author, and since it was published in a signed-and-numbered limited issue, we felt that it was of considerably more interest than other anthologies. As a result, we chose to describe the book fully in this section, rather than to simply list its contents in Contributions to Books and Periodicals.
Contributions to Books and Periodicals
This section lists all stories and poems that were published in a magazine, an anthology, or in one of the author's short story collections. Arrangement is once again alphabetical by title, with publications listed chronologically within title. This section has also been split up into a series of relatively small pages. As with the previous section, the Table of Contents shows the titles of the first and last item on each page.
If the story appeared in a magazine, the format of the listing is:
For appearances in an anthology, the following format is used:
Only the first edition of an anthology will be listed. A "reprint anthology" is one in which most if not all of the material has been reprinted from previous publications. An "original anthology" is one consisting primarily of previously unpublished material. An "original/reprint anthology" is one that contains significant amounts of both new and reprint material.
For appearances in collections already described fully in Separate Publications, the following format is used:
Pagination will be given for the first appearance of a particular story. Only pages which contain some text will be cited. Pages which consist entirely of an illustration will not be noted.
Story lengths are indicated by the following standard terms:
Word counts are approximations only.
Translations are being added gradually to the bibliography. Daughter Of The Night aims to be as comprehensive a bibliography as possible and will strive to show the extent of the popularity and belovedness of the author in non-anglophone countries. Please note that this is a work in progress and must, for all practical purposes, take a back seat to forthcoming and current English language publications being added to the bibliography.
Any reader or fan out there with access to any translations of material in non-western languages is asked to email the webmistress of the site. Any contributions are greatfully acknowledged and appreciated.
This section lists the radio and television programmes for which Tanith Lee has written scripts, and also gives the broadcast dates.
This section lists stories by Tanith Lee which are commercially available as spoken word recordings.
This section identifies which novels are parts of continuing or connected series. Within each series, titles are listed in order of internal chronology.
Title Index
This is a combined listing of all titles cited in Separate Publications, Contributions to Books and Periodicals and Work for Radio and Television in alphabetical order. The titles of books are in UPPERCASE. The listing has been broken down into two sections, A - M, and N - Z. Clicking on any title will take you to the corresponding entry.
This is a combined listing of all titles cited in Separate Publications, Contributions to Books and Periodicals and Work for Radio and Television in chronological order of first appearance. The titles of books are once again in UPPERCASE. Each title will be followed by the month of publication, when known. For those few cases where a precise month (or season) could not be determined, titles will be listed alphabetically at the end of the appropriate year. The listing has been broken down into four sections, covering the periods 1968 - 1979, 1980 - 1989, 1990 - 1999, and 2000 - present.
Checklist of Story Appearances
This section is divided into 2 smaller listings. The first, By Anthology, lists the titles of all anthologies containing work by Tanith Lee. Entries are arranged alphabetically by book title. Clicking on any title will take you to the corresponding entry in Contributions to Books and Periodicals. The second listing, By Periodical, is a similar listing of all periodicals containing work by the author.
This section contains a listing of articles about the author and her works that have appeared in various books and periodicals. Items are arranged alphabetically by author. Articles published without a by-line are attributed to the editor of the publication. This section is probably not complete, but it does list a representative sampling of secondary material.
This section provides a guide to a number of reference works that were consulted during the compilation of this bibliography.
While compiling this bibliography, we had the good fortune to be able to call upon a number of people who generously shared their time, their collections, and their bibliographic knowledge with us. First and foremost was, of course, Tanith Lee, who graciously took time out of her writing schedule to review an early draft of this work, answer questions and provide additional information. The following people have also contributed, whether they realized it or not, by providing varying quantities of advice, information and encouragement: Cristian Amargós, John Anderson, Kathy Ayers, the late Gordon Benson, Jr., John Betancourt, Bill Contento, David Cowperthwaite, Julie Cryan, Calle Dybedahl, Galad Elflandsson, Richard H. Fawcett, Jim Fields, Craig Gidney, R.S. Hadji, Hal W. Hall, Chris Hart, Brent Heustess, Sven Kahrkling, Marjo Kauppi, Justine Larbalestier, Dennis Mullin, Tim Murphy, Erik Nilsson, Bill Pearson, Hélène Pedot, Nicole Platania, William G. Raley, Jim Roberts, Gary Sagara, Dr. Johan Schimanski, Asma Yasmin Shafi, Léa Silhol, Sherry Simpson, Sarah Singleton, Phil Stephensen-Payne, Undine, Patty Ann Trumfio, Sean Wallace, and Mark Ziesing. A special word of thanks is extended to Lorna Toolis and the staff of the Merril Collection Of Science Fiction, Speculation And Fantasy in Toronto for retrieving a number of items from the library's collection. Thank you all.
Ultimately, the responsibility for the comprehensiveness and accuracy of this bibliography rests with the compilers: if there are errors or omissions here, the fault is ours alone. If we missed something, or got something wrong, please let us know.
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